I have taught in the public high school setting for 7+ years.

I discovered at an extremely young age a passion for the visual arts that was intentionally cultivated. My natural talents were strengthened, built upon, and cultivated by dedicated instructors that not only had a passion for the arts, or just a passion to teach, but had a desire to make a meaningful impact on the students they encountered. Since 2016, I have been dedicated to having a meaningful impact on students’ lives, and to serve as an example of a minority artist to minority students interested in the arts.  


My teaching philosophy is student centered. I believe that students are capable of doing great, thought provoking work at any age, and my duty is to motivate and guide them to think and work like artists. In my classroom, I am the facilitator and guide, giving students opportunities to create and solve artistic problems and get out of their comfort zone. I help students gain the skills they need to communicate their ideas effectively. I challenge students to try new things and to achieve what they thought they couldn't. We work to build literacy skills through observing, studying, and talking about art. Also, by writing about students' own ideas and artwork, as well as writing about art within its historical context. Art critiques will be used to help each student improve technically, and to encourage students to effectively verbally communicate their thoughts.

In addition, I find it imperative that students learn how to implement the skills and habits learned within the art class in all academic settings. As an instructor, it is my job to bridge the gap between the classroom setting and the working world. The skills develop through artist problem solving should translate to deeper critical thinking abilities. The skills gained in color theory and design should translate to an ability to visually communicate ideas clearly to others. The use of art critiques shall teach students how to cultivate constructive criticism to better themselves. No matter the future path each student shall individually take, the education they received with my classroom shall have a positive impact throughout all their endeavors.

